Using the Stack-n-Whack® Fan Ruler: Cutting from Scraps and Selective Cutting

 cutting scrap wedge, part 1 To cut wedges from scraps, cut along the narrow end of the ruler and up each side to the desired wedge size line. This photo shows a 6" wedge. If you are cutting a novelty print, you can choose your motif placement at this stage.
 cutting scrap wedge, part 2

With one long side aligned with one long cut edge, slide the ruler down until the cut edge at the narrow end lines up with the small* number on the ruler that corresponds to the wedge size. Cut along the top (wide) edge.


*The small numbers represent the measurement from the wide end of the ruler. Since the ruler is 9" long, the small “6” is on the same line as the large “3”.

 completed scrap wedge The completed 6" wedge.
 selective cutting, part 1 If you are cutting a symmetrical fabric for special effects, place the centerline on the ruler on an axis line of the print. (This is a line on which the print “mirrors”, or reflects.) Cut along the narrow end and up each side to the desired length.
 selective cutting, part 2 Slide the ruler down, keeping the centerline of the ruler on the axis line, until the small number corresponding to the wedge size lines up with the narrow cut edge (shown by the lower pink line here). Cut along the wide edge.
 selectively cut wedge A symmetrical wedge.

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